Barcode Information & FAQ


Make sure to see the Softmatic Youtube Channel.

Online manuals

Online manuals for the Softmatic barcode generators and extensions. The manuals describe system requirements, installation and usage of our barcode software. We also provide best practices and tips for getting the most out of the respective app.

Barcode Extension for Adobe Illustrator (Languages: en, fr, de, es)
QR Code Designer for Adobe Illustrator (Languages: en, fr, de, es, it)
Barcode Extension for Adobe InDesign (Languages: en, fr, de, es)
QR Code Designer for Adobe InDesign (Languages: en, fr, de, es)
QR Code Designer for Adobe Photoshop (Languages: en, fr, de, es)
Softmatic Barcode V5 (Languages: en, fr, de, es)
Softmatic BarcodePlus V5 (Languages: en, fr, de, es)
Softmatic BarcodeFactory V5 (Languages: en, fr, de, es)

All manuals can also be accessed by clicking the "?"-button in the respective app or extension.

Non-barcode products:

Dayline Daily Planner App (Languages: en)

Product FAQ

The most common questions for our flagship products. Feature comparisons, update schedules, product lifetime and licensing options are listed here.

Softmatic BarcodePlus
Softmatic BarcodeFactory

Barcodes in General

Describes the most commonly used barcode types for retail, warehousing, logistics and web / social applications. All posts have lots of sample barcodes, extensive application notes and practical considerations.

Linear barcode types

Code EAN 8fres
Code EAN 13fresit
Code EAN 13 SC Sizesesfr
Code ISBN 10, ISBN 13
Code UPC-E
Code UPC-A
Code PZN 7, PZN 8 (pharma code)
Code Laetus (pharma code)
Code 39, Code 39 Extendedfres
Code 128 A, B, Cfres
Code GS1-128 (aka EAN 128, UCC 128)
NEW Code 128 vs Code 39
NEW Code 2-of-5 (aka Code 25)
NEW Code ITF-14

2D and matrix codes

Data Matrix
NEW Data Matrix GS1
QR Quick Response ("cellphone barcode")fres

Barcode Tutorials

A wide range of tutorials describe how to create barcodes in the most important applications, like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign or Excel.

NEW Discussion of the various ways of generating barcodes in Adobe products
Barcode Tutorial for Adobe Illustrator CC
Barcode Tutorial for Adobe InDesign CC (importing and placing individual, single barcodes)
Barcode Tutorial for Adobe InDesign CS5, CS6, CC (data merging and importing multiple barcodes at once)

Barcode Tutorials (non-english versions)

NEW Cómo hacer un código de barras en Adobe Illustrator CC
NEW Come creare un codice a barre in Adobe Illustrator CC
NEW Comment créer un code-barres dans Adobe Illustrator CC
NEW Jak stworzyć kod kreskowy w Adobe Illustrator CC
NEW Een streepjescode maken in Adobe Illustrator
NEW Como criar um código de barras no Adobe Illustrator
NEW Hur man skapar en streckkod i Adobe Illustrator
NEW Adobe Illustrator でバーコードを作成する方法
NEW 如何在 Adob​​e Illustrator 中创建条形码
NEW Cómo hacer un código de barras en Adobe InDesign CC
NEW Come creare un codice a barre in Adobe InDesign CC
NEW Comment créer un code-barres dans Adobe InDesign CC
NEW Jak stworzyć kod kreskowy w Adobe InDesign CC
NEW Een streepjescode maken in Adobe InDesign
NEW Como criar um código de barras no Adobe InDesign
NEW Hur man skapar en streckkod i Adobe InDesign
NEW Adobe InDesign でバーコードを作成する方法
NEW 如何在 Adob​​e InDesign 中创建条形码

Barcodes in Excel

Creating Code 128 in Excel, tips and best practices
Creating Code 128 GS1 / UCC in Excel, tips and best practices
Creating Code EAN / EAN 13 in Excel, tips and best practices
Creating Code UPC-A / UPC-E in Excel, tips and best practices

Barcode FAQ

Softmatic has more than 30 years experience in all things barcode. Following are assorted barcode FAQs we've encountered over the past decades.

Barcodes in General

1. We are manufacturing a product (in the USA or Canada) and need a barcode for retail.
2. We are manufacturing a product (outside the USA or Canada) and need a barcode for retail.
3. We are manufacturing a product (outside the USA or Canada) and need a barcode for retail in the US or Canada.
4. Is it safe to buy a UPC / EAN number from one of those UPC / EAN Resellers?
5. Where can I lookup a barcode number? Can I search for products by EAN or UPC number?

Barcode Printing

1. What print quality / resolution is needed for barcode printing?

Barcode Scanning

1. What type of barcode scanner is suited best for occasional or test scans?
2. Do I need special software to scan barcodes?
3. I'm using a PC (Windows or Linux). How do I connect a barcode scanner to my computer?
4. I'm using a Mac. How do I connect a barcode scanner to my computer?
5. I'm scanning a Code 39 barcode. Why are some characters swapped (e.g. Y and Z)?
6. I have chosen a barcode type for my application. Will all scanner models read it?
7. I have printed a Code 128 barcode but my scanner won't read it.esfr
8. NEW How do I encode keyboard function keys into a barcode?
9. I have printed an EAN 13 barcode but my scanner won't read it.

Barcode Symbologies

1. Overview of Barcode Symbologies
2. What barcode is this? Tips on identifying unknown barcode types
3. What type of barcode can I use to encode letters?
4. Can I use Code EAN for other purposes than retail?
5. Do you have a list of the Code 128 bitpattern?
6. How do I calculate a Code 128 checksum?
7. Do you have a list of the Code EAN bitpattern?
8. How do I calculate a Code EAN checksum?
9. Do you have a list of the Code 39 bitpattern?
10. How do I calculate a Code 39 check character?
11. NEW What type of barcode can I use to encode umlauts and accented characters?esfr
12. NEW How do I put GS / RS / EOT Group Separators and Record Separators into a barcode?